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100 Craig Road • Suite 106 • Manalapan, NJ &bull 07726 • (732) 431-2888
Sunbeam Dental, LLCDr. John Mamoun, DMD
Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry
Published Author
100 Craig Road,
Suite 106
Manalapan, NJ 07726
(732) 431-2888
For Patients:
Business Hours:
Monday: 8am-8pm
Tuesday: 8am-8pm
Wednesday: 8am-8pm
Thursday: 8am-8pm
Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday: 8am-8pm
Sunday: 8am-8pm
Or By Appointment
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Examples of Dr. Mamoun's work

Before: This patient had fallen on her front tooth and had been walking around for over two decades with this purplish discoloration of the tooth. The discoloration was caused by internal bleeding when the tooth was injured; the bleeding penetrated into the body of the tooth, staining it a maroon color.

After: Since the nerve of the tooth had died (which often happens with these kinds of trauma cases), I performed a root canal to clean out the nerve of the tooth, disinfect the tooth, and fill the canal of the tooth with a gutta percha filling to prevent further infection. In addition, to correct the discoloration, I performed a "walking bleach" procedure, whereby a solution of high-concentration peroxide is placed inside the tooth and left there for up to a week. The peroxide oxidized the purple organic matter within the tooth, causing the tooth to dramatically lighten. For decades the patient had been walking around with this discolored front tooth. It took only 48 hours for modern therapeutic science to correct the problem!
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